The Swing Escape
As soon as the car stopped I ran upstairs to change out of my church clothes, well worn black shoes and my sister’s hand-me-down blue-checkered dress into my favorite old clothes, summer shorts and red shirt and happily no shoes. Then I bolted down my lunch, cleared the table, washed the dishes, and flew out […]
The Red Roofed Office
Our office and warehouse was housed in an old tin-roofed block building for several years. It was white block with a red roof, old style beautiful and shadowed by the most amazing big and green and lovely tree. We were content and happy and keeping on keeping on in the business. Then I got a […]
Reassured And Relieved
My backstory is that I own a commercial cleaning business in Tampa, Florida. What that means is that my employees clean carpets, upholstery, and fabric panels in buildings like banks, corporate headquarters, libraries, police offices, county offices, attorney firms, and call centers. We love dirty carpet and now during the flee from professional office to […]
Professional People Are Dull
Listening to table talk next to me at a coffee shop I hear what are referred to as professional people and they are being defined in one word DULL. That got me thinking about who fits in their professional people category. Is it me??? After doing a bit of research I found that there are similar industries […]
How Do I Find the Quiet
My daily life was busy, busy, busy until one day I literally skidded to a stop and asked this ingenious question; How Do I Find The Quiet? Every night I lay in bed with my mind buzzing with news, jobs, stuff I forgot to do, round and round until I finally fell asleep, Waking up […]